
Approaches to remove CO2 from the atmosphere

Afforestation / Reforestation


As trees grow they capture CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Trees store the carbon in their biomass – so mainly in the trunk and branches but also in their roots. A single tree can remove around 22kg CO2 from the air per year  although this number is very different for different types of trees (source). Planting enough trees to create a forest can therefore remove a substantial amount of CO2 from the atmosphere. Planting trees on previously woodless land is referred to as afforestation whereas reforestation refers to planting trees on land where there used to be trees. There are different types of af- and reforestation beyond simply planting trees on woodless land. Examples include agroforestry, where some trees are planted on pastures or croplands; and restocking  which means increasing the amount of trees in an already existing forest.

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