Why carbon removal?
Moving against global warming and towards a climate-neutral society is not easy. To drive this change fast enough, a climate-conscious lifestyle alone is not sufficient and the additional removal of generated greenhouse gases is necessary.
This is why we offer solutions that directly remove CO2 from the atmosphere to compensate for your unavoidable CO2 emissions.
See the explainer video from net-zero pioneer Swiss Re below for an introduction.
(Source: Swiss Re Youtube Channel)
How it works
We strive to make your involvement against climate change as simple,
transparent and informative as possible.
Why remove carbon with us?
Pick the plan that is right for you
For business offers please contact info@azolla.ch
Personal gift cards can be ordered via mail under info@azolla.ch
Further information
Why Azolla?
We value transparency
The CO2 removed and stored by our project partners is verified by independent third parties. All our projects are Gold Standard, Verra, EBC or PlanVivo certified.
With us, you always know exactly what you are buying. Have a look at our Partners and Methods sections, and if ever you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
We remove CO2
With us, you always know exactly what you are buying. Have a look at our Partners and Methods sections, and if ever you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
We create social benefits
Our project partners in developing countries ensure that more than 60% of all project income goes directly to the participating local communities. The additional income relieves the member’s economic pressure and is largely invested in other aspects such as water and food security, gender equality projects, education and more.
What am I actually purchasing here?
You are buying direct removal of CO2 from our atmosphere. The removed carbon is stored in the ground or in the biomass of plants. For this we buy carbon credits from our partner projects to compensate them for removing CO2 from the atmosphere in our name.
Hence, we remove your carbon emissions as if they never happened. But this is no excuse not to reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. To stop global warming, we need to tackle the problem from all sides.
Additional benefits through our projects:
● Help build up an industry that will be critical to fighting climate change and support its technological advancement
● Help communities in developing countries to build schools, wells and gender equality, among other things
Read more about the different carbon removal methods here.
Read more about our partner projects here.
What are carbon credits?
Through us, you can buy so-called carbon credits from our partner projects.
1 Carbon Credit = 1 tonne of CO2 removed from the atmosphere
The number of Credits that a project can sell corresponds to the number of tonnes of CO2 removed and stored. An independent organization verifies the measured amount of CO2 removed, and the credits are administered in the organization’s database.
Read more about the different approaches to remove CO2 from the atmosphere here.
Read more about our projects here.
What is the Azolla standard mix?
The Azolla standard mix is a combination of different projects and carbon removal methods.
You receive the ideal mix of carbon removal, social benefits and support of the technological development.


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What is the difference between carbon offsets and carbon removal?
Carbon Offsetting
Reducing GHG-Emissions elsewhere
For example: gas cooking stoves in developing countries, forest protection or wind mills
Carbon Removal
Removing CO2 from the atmosphere
For example: planting trees, soil carbon sequestration, biochar or Direct Air Capture

What is a carbon footprint?
A carbon or CO2 footprint describes the total amount of greenhouse gases caused by
● a product or service
● a company
● a country
● a person
Despite its name, it usually also refers to other greenhouse gases beyond carbon dioxide. For example, methane and nitrous oxides are converted into CO2 equivalents and added to carbon emissions.
A complete personal carbon footprint should encompass
● direct emissions caused by an individual (e.g., driving a car)
● indirect emissions (e.g., clothes production abroad or public services like hospitals)
The average annual carbon footprint for a person in Switzerland is around 14 tons, according to the Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU). In Germany, the footprint lies somewhere between 9.6 and 12.4 tons (BMU; UBA; WWF Deutschland).
Why fight climate change?
Climate change affects us all.
Extreme weather events become more frequent, oceans are rising, and biodiversity and fertile land are lost daily.
This also affects crop yields, food security, water supply and available living space, to name a few of the many consequences of climate change.
Those effects are often felt strongest by people living in the Global South, where the population already struggles with water scarcity and malnutrition. Thus, the most vulnerable suffer the most from the impacts of climate change. The same is true for future generations around the world. Even the next generations in Western industrialized countries will no longer live in a world of abundance with an “unlimited” supply of space, food and water – all resources that our society often takes for granted
Therefore, it is time for us to take responsibility and act to prevent irreversible impacts of climate change on biodiversity as well as fight for climate justice.
Why is carbon removal on top of reducing our emissions necessary?
Simply put, we have to reduce too many emissions in a very short period. Scientists and governments agree that if we want to limit global warming to below 2°C and avoid climate change’s worst impacts, we must reach net-zero emissions by 2050. In line with that, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading scientific board in the field, has found no scenario where we achieve this goal without large-scale carbon removal. More so, beyond 2050, we even need to remove more CO2 than we emit annually to make up for the emissions from previous decades known as historical emissions.
The scale-up of carbon removal solutions will need time and capital. That is why we need to start ramping up carbon removal technologies and methods now for the industry to reach the necessary capacity to help us achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. We are doing our best to aid this development and hope that we can count on your support.
More on this in our blog post Why Carbon Removal?
How do I calculate my carbon footprint?
Setting up a helpful and good carbon footprint calculator is challenging and takes time as well as good data. There are many calculators out there, but most fail to give a good user experience or to capture all emissions. At the same time, accuracy is hard to achieve, if not impossible, due to various assumptions and average values used in the calculation.
We will develop our calculator in due time.
Until then, we believe that the following carbon footprint calculators serve their purpose quite well:
Quick and easy:
More advanced:
How can I monitor what my contribution accomplishes?
We are currently working on making your contribution even more transparent for you. You can find our Carbon Certificates Accounting linked to the official carbon registries here.
Additionally, we are currently working on a dashboard to better visualize your impact better.
Sign up for our newsletter here to get notified about our dashboard and receive updates on our projects.
Keep in touch
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date and learn about climate change
Reach out to info@azolla.ch for any feedback or questions