
Approaches to remove CO2 from the atmosphere

Direct air capture


CO2 is removed from ambient air using large filter systems. Air flows through filters where the CO2 chemically absorbs onto the filter. The air that flows out of the filter contains a substantially reduced amount of CO2. Through heating the filters, the CO2 can be removed from them. The CO2 is then processed differently based on the type of long-term storage. For storage in geological formations, the CO2 is compressed and pumped deep into the ground, between 800 and 2500m deep. Here the CO2 reacts with the surrounding rock and mineralizes and/ or is turned into a stable form of carbon. Projects that employ this method, such as CarbFix in Iceland, report that the carbon turns into rock in as little as two years.

The captured carbon can also be stored in long-lived products. For example, captured CO2 can be embedded into concrete that is used as a building material or be used to make carbon fibres. Using captured carbon in long-lived products is known as Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS).

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