
Approaches to remove CO2 from the atmosphere

Blue carbon


The term ‘blue carbon’ refers to carbon stored in wetland ecosystems. Blue carbon projects make use of this by regenerating such ecosystems to foster carbon removal. This can include planting mangrove plants in coastal areas or improving the management of existing ecosystems. Carbon is sequestered from the atmosphere through the growth of plants as they capture CO2 through photosynthesis. The CO2 is stored in the ecosystem. In wetland ecosystems, vast  amounts of carbon are stored not just in the plants themselves but predominantly in the soil. This is because the wet conditions prevent the carbon from being degraded and being turned back into CO2. There are many types of wetland ecosystems that can act as carbon storages such as mangroves, seagrass meadows, salt marshes, macroalgae and freshwater peatlands.

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Support projects that use other methods as well as blue carbon in the future and contribute to the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.